Greetings Fellow Birders,

Please find the Ontario Rare Bird Report for the week of March 14, 2025

This weekly report provides information about bird sightings that are
significant due to the species, the location and/or time of year of the
sighting.  Within these weekly reports, as much detail will be provided as
possible regarding observations, including providing credit to the initial
observer(s) and location details.  Please use eBird to provide specific
details as sightings are recorded.  Note that species in all-caps are on
the ORBC review list.  Amendments/corrections may be sent to  I thank each of you for your patience
for any inadvertent oversights.

*N.B.: As we are on the leading edge of migration season, there will be
variation as to which sightings are included within these reports
moving forward.  The websites listed below are used to make determinations
for inclusion.  As always, feedback is welcome!*

15-Mar-25; Ottawa - Kemptville; Mark Patry

14-Mar-25; Toronto - Toronto Islands/Tommy Thompson Park; Noam Markus
*likely the same bird sighted by Owen Strickland in the Toronto Islands in
the Fall of 2024

Western Grebe
19-Mar-25; Peel - J.C. Saddington Park (Mississauga); Luc Fazio

Common Nighthawk
20-Mar-25; Ottawa - Fine Estate; Gordon McArthur

Eastern Whip-poor-will
14-Mar-25; Wellington - Guelph; Janet Sippel

Varied Thrush
15-Mar-25; Ottawa - Stonecrest Road; Always an Adventure Team Inc.
*continuing bird; originally sighted by Dan Simpson on Feb. 12, 2025

Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
20-Mar-25; Thunder Bay - Fish Hatchery Road; Norma Maurice

Good Birding,

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