Kingston Area Birds 8 March 2025 – 14 March 2025

Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their
sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email  records directly
to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require
review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type
require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or
directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type
may be replaced by asterisks.

*Overview*: It was a great week in birding this week, with many of our
spring migrants showing up in numbers as the week progressed.  The weather
was also favourable for anyone wanting to get outside and enjoy some
birding.  Let’s hope this upcoming week continues the trend.

*Parish Notes:  *

*Please note the new email address at the bottom of the report that can be
used to submit observations if you are not using eBird.*

*Kingston List*

SNOW GOOSE – Multiple sightings throughout the Kingston Circle this week.

SNOW X CANADA GOOSE – 1 bird was seen on Fairfax Road (L&G) on Mar. 13

ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 bird was seen at Sandhurst Shores (L&A) on Mar. 13

GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE = 2 birds were reported from the Millhaven
Ferry Dock (L&A) on Mar. 10; 6 were seen at Sandhurst Shores (L&A) on Mar.
10 (possibly the same birds seen earlier at the Millhaven Ferry Dock)

CACKLING GOOSE – 1 bird was seen on Bateau Lane on Mar. 10; 2 were seen on
Wolfe Island on Mar. 10; 1 was seen at the Escape of the Royal George (L&A)
on Mar. 10; 1 was seen at Sandhurst Shores (L&A) on Mar. 10; 1 was seen on
I-81N, NY (JC) on Mar. 12

WOOD DUCK – 2 were seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on Mar. 8; 1 was seen at
the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons (L&A) on Mar. 8; 2 were seen at the
Millhaven Ferry Dock (L&A) on Mar. 10; 1 was seen on Belle Island on Mar.
11, 30 on Mar. 14; 2 were seen on Jericho Road, NY (JC) on Mar. 11, 5 on
Mar. 13; 2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 12, 4 on Mar. 14; 7 were seen
at Belle Park on Mar. 13; 2 were seen at the Russell Road Wetland Complex
(L&G) on Mar. 13; 3 were seen on Evan’s Road, NY (JC) on Mar. 13; 2 were
seen at Lower Brewers Lock on Mar. 14; 4 were seen at Prince Edward Point
NWA (PEC) on Mar. 14; 10 were seen on the Marble Rock Road Bridge (L&G) on
Mar. 14; 8 were seen at the Three Mile Bay Boat Launch, NY (JC) on Mar. 14;
5 were seen at Ashland Flats WMA, NY (JC) on Mar. 14

NORTHERN SHOVELER – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on Mar. 11; 1
was seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons (L&A) on Mar. 12

NORTHERN PINTAIL – Multiple reports in the Kingston Circle this week.

GREEN-WINGED TEAL – Multiple reports in the Kingston Circle this week.

CANVASBACK – 2 birds were seen at the Escape of the Royal George (L&A) on
Mar. 9

KING EIDER – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on Mar. 14

SURF SCOTER – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on Mar. 11,
2 on Mar. 13, 2 on Mar. 14; 1 was seen on Long Point Road (PEC) on Mar. 12

BARROW’S GOLDENEYE – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on Mar. 8

RUDDY DUCK – 1 bird was seen at 100ft. Park on Mar. 12

DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT – 1 bird was seen on the Kingston Waterfront on
Mar. 10; 3 were seen on Belle Island on Mar. 11; 3 were seen at McLean Park
on Mar. 14

PIED-BILLED GREBE – 2 birds were seen at Lower Brewers Lock on Mar. 14

GLAUCOUS GULL – 1 was seen at Bath-Upper Gap (L&A) on Mar. 10

KILLDEER – multiple sightings throughout the Kingston circle this week.

AMERICAN WOODCOCK – 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 12; 1 was seen
at 1726 Burbrook Road on Mar. 13; 1 was heard on Burbrook Road on Mar. 14;
3 were heard on Sunnyside Road on Mar. 14; 4 were seen at Prince Edward
Point NWA (PEC) on Mar. 14; 1 was heard at 1234 Marble Rock Road (L&G) on
Mar. 14; 1 was seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on Mar. 14

SANDHILL CRANE – 1 bird was seen at 4388 Florida Road on Mar. 8, 2 on Mar.
13; 4 were seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on Mar. 8, 7 on Mar. 10, 1 on Mar.
14; 1 was seen on Kaiser Crossroad (PEC) on Mar. 10; 2 were seen at 1666
County Road 32, Gananoque (L&G) on Mar. 10; 3 were seen on County Road 13
(PEC) on Mar. 14; 3 were seen at Charleston Lake PP (L&G) on Mar. 14

TURKEY VULTURE – Multiple reports throughout the Kingston Circle this week.

GOLDEN EAGLE – 1 bird was seen at Charleston Lake PP (L&G) on Mar. 14

RED-SHOULDERED HAWK – 1 bird was seen at Tree Frog Farm on Mar. 8, 3 on
Mar. 13; 2 were seen on Canoe Lake Road on Mar. 14; 1 was seen at Davis
Lock (L&G) on Mar. 14; 2 were seen at Muskellunge Bay, NY (JC) on Mar. 14

PEREGRINE FALCON – 1 bird was seen at Princess Towers on Mar. 8; 1 was seen
at the Escape of the Royal George (L&A) on Mar. 9, 1 on Mar. 10, 1 on Mar.
13; 2 were seen on Lower Union Street on Mar. 10; 1 was seen near Sandhurst
Shores (L&A) on Mar. 10; 1 was seen at the OPG Station (L&A) on Mar. 11; 1
was seen at 24863 NY-26, Redwood, NY (JC) on Mar. 13; 1 was seen at
Charleston Lake PP (L&G) on Mar. 14

BELTED KINGFISHER – 1 bird was seen at Ivy Lea (L&G) on Mar. 14; 1 was seen
at the Marble Rock Road Bridge (L&G) on Mar. 14

NORTHERN FLICKER – 3 were seen near Aylmer Crescent on Mar. 9; 1 was seen
on Wolfe Island on Mar. 9, 1 on Mar. 12; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point
NWA (PEC) on Mar. 10; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point CA on Mar. 11, 1 on Mar.
14; 1 was seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 13; 1 was seen at Ivy Lea (L&G) on
Mar. 14; 1 was seen at Robert G. Wehle SP, NY (JC) on Mar. 14

FISH CROW – 2 birds were seen at 86 Lower Union Street on Mar. 10

BROWN THRASHER – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on Mar.
9, 1 on Mar. 10

NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD – 2 birds were reported from Amherst Island (L&A) on
Mar. 10; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point CA on Mar. 11

EASTERN BLUEBIRD – Multiple sightings in the Kingston Circle this week.

HERMIT THRUSH – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on Mar. 10

TUFTED TITMOUSE – 1 bird was seen on Montreal Street on Mar. 8, 2 on Mar.
11, 1 on Mar. 13; 1 was seen on Evan’s Road, NY (JC) on Mar. 13; 1 was seen
on Bateau Lane on Mar. 14; 1 was seen at 1128 Deer Park Lane on Mar. 14; 1
was seen at 149 West Lake Street, Cape Vincent, NY (JC) on Mar. 14

CAROLINA WREN – 3 were reported from The Marshlands CA on Mar. 9, 2 on Mar.
10, 1 on Mar. 12; 1 was seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on Mar. 10; 2 were seen
at Belle Park on Mar. 11, 1 on Mar. 13; 1 was seen on Montreal Street on
Mar. 11; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 11; 1 was seen at 847 Johnson
Street on Mar. 14; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on Mar. 14

YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on
Mar. 9, 2 on Mar. 10, 1 on Mar. 14; 4 were seen at Robert G. Wehle SP, NY
(JC) on Mar. 14

LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 4 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 9

WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW – 1 bird was seen at a private residence West of
Gananoque (L&G) on Mar. 8; 1 was seen on Country Club Drive, Bath (L&A) on
Mar. 13

VESPER SPARROW – 1 bird was seen at 4388 Florida Road on Mar. 8, 1 on Mar.

EASTERN MEADOWLARK – 1 bird was seen on White Church Road on Mar. 11; 1 was
seen at Lemoine Point CA on Mar. 13, 2 on Mar. 14; 1 was seen on Warburton
Road (L&G) on Mar. 13, 1 on Mar. 14; 1 was seen at 42609 CR-2 La
Fargeville, NY (JC) on Mar. 13; 11 were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 14; 1
was seen on Florida Road on Mar. 14; 1 was seen on Sand Hill Road on Mar.
14; 1 was seen at 2636 County Road 3 (L&G) on Mar. 14; 1 was seen at 2066
Deerlick Road, Cape Vincent, NY (JC) on Mar. 14

*YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD *– 1 bird was seen at 4647 Long Point Road (PEC)
on Mar. 8 and again on Mar. 9

RUSTY BLACKBIRD – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on Mar. 8, 4 on
Mar. 11; 8 were seen at Links Mills School House (L&A) on Mar. 8; 2 were
seen at the Russell Road Wetland Complex (L&G) on Mar. 13

In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording
area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings
Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field
Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin
Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked
on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN
members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west
gate and show their membership card to security.

As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings
directly or via eBird.


Darren Rayner

Perth Road, Ontario

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