We are in the early days of waterfowl migration with both Canada and Snow
Geese beginning to move. Today there was a report of up to 10,000 Snows
migrating high downriver over Cornwall. There is currently open water from
Iroquois west but there is none available on the Ontario side further east.
That will change but not likely by the weekend. The Snow Goose movement
today over Cornwall involved birds that will head into Quebec. Later others
will follow and some of these birds may move around and return west once
the river opens and fields become exposed.

The Seaway opens March 22 and in advance the Coast Guard icebreaker will
open the shipping channel. That begins this weekend. All of the water along
Cty Rd #2 from Upper Canada to Cornwall, except for a small area at Long
Sault, is frozen and will have to melt. There is no access to the Long
Sault Parkway. All regional water sources are frozen and there is still
snow cover in fields but some corn stubble may show this weekend.

In the early days of goose movement, areas from Iroquois to Cardinal
usually produce results and could be checked this weekend.

This has the potential to be an excellent year for Snow Goose observation
once the river begins to open up further east because ice is a big
attraction for the geese. The area east of South Lancaster at Westley Point
will be a prime attraction.

Brian Morin
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