Claire Nelson, a long-time Point Pelee birder, and former member of the OFO
Board, passed on Monday, December 31, after a brief illness. Claire is
survived by Michael, her husband of 57 years and also a birder, their four
children and partners and many grandchildren.

To know Claire was to love her. She exuded warmth and was as interested in
her fellow birders as she was in the birds. Claire could be found riding
her bicycle into the park and walking the trails greeting old and new
friends. She famously gathered birders for an annual May Pelee party
which was a highlight of the season.

Claire worked tirelessly for OFO. For many years she and Pat Tozer sold
raffle tickets at the convention wearing Pileated Woodpecker masks. No-one
could refuse them! Claire served on the OFO Board from 2014 to 2016 where
she helped to initiate the annual Gull Weekend in Niagara managed
advertising and promotion. She spent countless hours expanding the
convention's silent auction which raised significant funds for OFO.

Claire's memorial was held yesterday in Leamington. Obituary is here:

With sadness,

Lynne Freeman (she/her/hers)
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