Hello Ontario Birders,

I hope everyone is ready for the New Year! 2025 is just around the corner.
This is update two of four. This update will cover the last three weeks of
December 2024. The Ontario Winter Winter Brid list is at 201. This is up 34
species since the first week of December. New additions include Barnacle
Goose in Oakville at Tannery Park on December 21; Barnacle Goose was new
for the Ontario Winter list and found by Christine Reb. Ancient Murrelet
was another great species found in Halton County this winter; found on
December 14 by Tina Den Besten. Jeff Daley got an early Christmas present
with a White-eyed Vireo at his bird feeder in Toronto.

The only two species that I consider common but that we do not have for the
2024-2025 Winter bird list are Brant and Brewer's Blackbird. Other species
that I would call uncommon we do not have yet are Vesper Sparrow (seen in
15 of the last 17 winters), Spotted Towhee (11/17), and Great Egret(13/17).

To give perspective, the final 2023-2024 list was 226, the 2022-2023 list was
218, and the 2021-2022 list was 229. The average number of species for the
last 17 years is 208. This year's list is currently below the average total
winter list species number, but we will likely get over 208 species because
we still have two months left.

The list can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/myyulvs.

Check out the OFO website for winter bird trips
http://www.ofo.ca/site/tripsupcoming. Winter bird trips include:

   - Peterborough Area (Field) - Jan. 1
   - Young Birds Camp '24 (Zoom)- Jan. 8
   - Winter Birds of the Detroit River: Windsor (Field) - Jan. 11
   - Haldimand and Norfolk Counties (Field) - Feb. 22
   - Amherst Island (Field) - Feb. 23

The OFO also has a discord group with a Winter bird channel. The link to
the OFO discord group is here: https://discord.gg/npbCzXVhZ2.

Winter Listers can also keep track of what's being seen in the Ontario
Birds Discord
Server which can be found here:https://discord.gg/EhvgAc2fwb.I try to
update the spreadsheet every couple of days or whenever I hear of a new
addition. Please let me know if you hear of a new addition or any other
correction to the spreadsheet.

Happy New Year,
Todd Hagedorn
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