Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting December 13, 2024

Species mentioned (all caps indicate species on the OBRC review list):
Dunlin (Durham, Norfolk, Northumberland)
Black-legged Kittiwake (Chatham-Kent/Essex)
SLATY-BACKED GULL (Kawartha Lakes)
Pacific Loon (Halton/Hamilton)
Townsend's Solitaire (Simcoe)
Varied Thrush (Thunder Bay)
Swainson's Thrush (Toronto)
Harris's Sparrow (Durham)
Western Meadowlark (Thunder Bay)
Baltimore Oriole (Ottawa)
Ovenbird (Middlesex, Toronto)
Black-and-white Warbler (Halton)
Orange-crowned Warbler (Chatham-Kent, Toronto)
American Redstart (Halton)
Northern Parula (Halton)
Yellow Warbler (Toronto)
Palm Warbler (Yellow) (Brant)
Indigo Bunting (Kawartha Lakes)

Details: I have tried to indicate the finder, where known. My apologies to
those who I have left out. You can help me by giving the finder's name(s),
if known, in your eBird checklists.

Dunlin (Durham): Two Dunlin continued at McLaughlin Bay to at least
December 15.
Dunlin (Norfolk): One bird was reported at Hastings Drive on December 14.
Dunlin (Northumberland): At least six birds were at Owen Point in
Presqu'ile PP to at least December 19.

ANCIENT MURRELET (Halton): Several observers briefly observed (and
photographed) one at Bronte Harbour on December 14.

Black-legged Kittiwake (Chatham-Kent/Essex): Josh Vandermeulen found one at
Wheatley Harbour on December 18 that remained to at least December 19.

SLATY-BACKED GULL (Kawartha Lakes): Max Segler found an adult at the
Lindsay Landfill on December 13 that was seen by several others at the
Lindsay Sewage Lagoons December 14 and 15.

Pacific Loon (Hamilton): The bird found by Mourad Jabra off Yacht Club
Harbour on December 8 was reported December 16 and 19 there and off LaSalle
Park December 19.

Townsend's Solitaire (Simcoe): Chris Evans and Ian Cook found one at D'oust
Bay on December 14 that was seen by many to at least December 17.

Varied Thrush (Thunder Bay): One was found at Red Rock landfill site during
the Christmas Bird Count on December 14 and was seen by several others to
at least December 18.

Swainson's Thrush (Toronto): Owen Strickland photographed one on Algonquin
Island on December 14 that remained to at least December 17.

Harris's Sparrow (Durham): Doug Apperson found one at his feeders at 1890
Brock Concession 1 on December 13 that was seen by many to at least
December 19.

Western Meadowlark (Thunder Bay): One bird was reported by many in the
Slate River Valley on Monteith Rd at least December 15-16.

Baltimore Oriole (Ottawa): The bird found by Li-Shien Lee in their backyard
November 23 continued to at least December 15.

Ovenbird (Middlesex): The bird photographed in a Bruce St., London backyard
December 11 continued to at least December 19.
Ovenbird (Toronto): Sterling Sztricsko reported one from Toronto
Metropolitan University Community Park on December 14.

Black-and-white Warbler (Halton): The one found by Rob Dobos and Cheryl
Edgeombe at the SE Oakville Sewage Treatment Plant on December 8 remained
to at least December 17.

Orange-crowned Warbler (Chatham-Kent): Steve Charbonneau reported one from
Taylor Rd December 15.
Orange-crowned Warbler (Toronto): The one found by Margaret Kelch at
Colonel Sam Smith Park on December 8 continued to at least December 16.

American Redstart (Halton): The found by Rob Dobos and Cheryl Edgeombe at
the SE Oakville Sewage Treatment Plant on December 8 continued to at least
December 18.

Northern Parula (Halton): The one at Sedgewick Forest Park in Oakville
continued to at least December 17.

Palm Warbler (Yellow) (Brant): Sarah Lamond found one at the Powerline Rd
stormwater pond on December 16.

Indigo Bunting (Kawartha Lakes): Dan Riley photographed one at a private
residence on Pigeon Lake on December 16.

Report compiled by Mike Burrell from a variety of sources, primarily eBird;
most other sources are listed here:
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