Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting November 22, 2024

Species mentioned (all caps indicate species on the OBRC review list):
Eurasian Wigeon (Leeds and Grenville)
Red Phalarope (Lambton, Lanark)
Black-legged Kittiwake (Lambton, Simcoe)
Franklin's Gull (Algoma)
Eared Grebe (Grey)
Pacific Loon (Simcoe)
Western Cattle-Egret (Essex, Haldimand)
American White Pelican (Essex)
White-eyed Vireo (Elgin)
Red-eyed Vireo (Essex)
Cave Swallow (Chatham-Kent, Durham, Essex, Haldimand, Niagara, Norfolk,
Lark Sparrow (Frontenac)
Blackpoll Warbler (Chatham-Kent)
Summer Tanager (Algoma, Lambton, Peterborough)

Details: I have tried to indicate the finder, where known. My apologies to
those who I have left out. You can help me by giving the finder's name(s),
if known, in your eBird checklists.

Looking for a replacement: I'm looking for someone to take over these
weekly reports! If you're interested, please get in touch.

Eurasian Wigeon (Leeds and Grenville): The male reported November 4,
presumably same bird found by Mark Patry on October 8, continued at Mac
Johnson CA to at least November 27.

Red Phalarope (Lambton): Several observers saw and photographed one off
Point Edward on November 22.
Red Phalarope (Lanark): Ryan Ellement reported one from Mississippi Lake on
November 28.

Black-legged Kittiwake (Lambton): Several observers photographed one off
Point Edward on November 22 and Ken Burrell photographed four off Brights
Grove the same day.
Black-legged Kittiwake (Simcoe): Henrique Pacheco, Kaitlyn Mills, and
William Span saw and photographed one off Wasaga Beach on November 23.

Franklin's Gull (Algoma): Trent Massey reported one in Sault Ste Marie on
November 25.

SLATY-BACKED GULL (Nipissing): Renee Levesque photographed one at the
Merrick Landfill site north of North Bay on November 25.

Eared Grebe (Grey): The bird found by Erik Van Den Kieboom at Gravelly Bay
on November 17 was seen again to at least November 27.

Pacific Loon (Simcoe): At least one bird continued off the Barrie
waterfront this week.

Western Cattle-Egret (Essex): The two birds near Kopegaron Woods continued
to at least November 22.
Western Cattle-Egret (Haldimand): Karen Petrie photographed one at just
outside of York on November 28.

American White Pelican (Essex): A high of 178 birds was reported this week
from Holiday Beach.

White-eyed Vireo (Elgin): Presumably the same birds as from November 15,
one bird continued at Hawk Cliff to at least November 24.

Cave Swallow (Chatham-Kent, Durham, Essex, Haldimand, Niagara, Norfolk,
Toronto): Well over twenty individuals were reported from several locations
across southern Ontario this week, with the latest to at least November 25.

EURASIAN TREE SPARROW (Algoma): At least one of the long-staying birds in
Thessalon were photographed this week by Tony Ward on November 25.

Lark Sparrow (Frontenac): Paul Mackenzie found and photographed one on
Sibbit Rd on November 27.

Blackpoll Warbler (Chatham-Kent): Jim Burk photographed one in Rondeau PP
on November 23.

Summer Tanager (Algoma): The female found by Jim Ryan at Whitefish Island
on November 6 continued to at least November 25.
Summer Tanager (Lambton): Craig Potter photographed one at his yard in
Sarnia late on November 28.
Summer Tanager (Peterborough): Helena Cymbaluk found a young male in
Peterborough on November 21 that was seen by many  to at least November 27

Report compiled by Mike Burrell from a variety of sources, primarily eBird;
most other sources are listed here:
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