Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting November 15, 2024 Species mentioned (all caps indicate species on the OBRC review list): Eurasian Wigeon (Leeds and Grenville) Harlequin Duck (Algoma, Durham, Grey, Niagara, Simcoe, Toronto) Barrow's Goldeneye (Durham, Frontenac, Grey, Ottawa, Peterborough, Prince Edward) Hudsonian Godwit (Norfolk) Purple Sandpiper (Durham, Haldimand, Toronto) Western Sandpiper (Haldimand) Pomarine Jaeger (Hamilton) RAZORBILL (Ottawa) Black-legged Kittiwake (Hamilton) Sabine's Gull (Chatham-Kent) Franklin's Gull (Algoma) SHORT-BILLED GULL (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry) SLATY-BACKED GULL (Nipissing) Eared Grebe (Grey) Pacific Loon (Chatham-Kent, Essex, Hamilton, Simcoe) NORTHERN FULMAR (Cochrane) SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER (Simcoe) Western Cattle-Egret (Essex, Frontenac) Black Vulture (Niagara) White-eyed Vireo (Elgin) Cave Swallow (Elgin, Essex, Leeds and Grenville) Yellow-throated Warbler (Ottawa) Summer Tanager (Algoma, THUNDER BAY) Dickcissel (Essex)
Details: I have tried to indicate the finder, where known. My apologies to those who I have left out. You can help me by giving the finder's name(s), if known, in your eBird checklists. Looking for a replacement: I'm looking for someone to take over these weekly reports! If you're interested, please get in touch. Eurasian Wigeon (Leeds and Grenville): The male reported November 4, presumably same bird found by Mark Patry on October 8, continued at Mac Johnson CA to at least November 20. Harlequin Duck (Algoma, Durham, Grey, Niagara, Simcoe, Toronto): At least nine individuals from seven sites around southern Ontario were reported this week. Barrow's Goldeneye (Durham, Frontenac, Grey, Northumberland, Ottawa, Peterborough, Prince Edward): At least eight individuals from six locations across southern Ontario were reported this week. Hudsonian Godwit (Norfolk): At least one bird continued along the Big Creek causeway to at least November 16. Purple Sandpiper (Durham): Two birds were seen by many at McLaughlin Bay November 15-17 and a single remained to at least November 19. Purple Sandpiper (Haldimand): Up to four birds were seen by many at Rock Point PP November 15-17. Purple Sandpiper (Toronto): Mike McInnis and Owen Strickland photographed one at Tommy Thompson Park on November 19. Western Sandpiper (Haldimand): Michael Kirchin found one at Rock Point PP on November 15 that was seen and photographed by a few more observers to at least November 17. Pomarine Jaeger (Hamilton): Up to five birds were reported off Van Wagner's Beach on November 19. RAZORBILL (Ottawa): Mark Gawn, Michael Tate and Dan Simpson reported one off Shirley's Bay on November 18. Black-legged Kittiwake (Hamilton): Jude Szabo photographed one at Van Wagner's Beach on November 19. Sabine's Gull (Chatham-Kent): Steve Charbonneau reported one off Rondeau PP on November 16 and then several observers reported one there again on November 18. Franklin's Gull (Algoma): Jane Smith photographed one at Echo Bay on November 21. SHORT-BILLED GULL (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry): Michelle Martin and Mark Gawn reported an adult at Lafleche Landfill on November 15. SLATY-BACKED GULL (Nipissing): The bird found by Garry Waldram on the east side of Lake Nosbonsing on October 18 continued to at least November 15. The second adult found by Stephen O'Donnell and Cynthia McAllister at the East Ferris Landfill on November 9 continued to at least November 15. Eared Grebe (Grey): Erik Van Den Kieboom found one at Gravelly Bay on November 17 that was seen by several others the same day. Pacific Loon (Chatham-Kent): Kevin Gevaert, Blake Mann and Steve Charbonneau reported one off Rondeau PP on November 17. Pacific Loon (Essex): Mike St. Pierre reported one off Point Pelee November 15. Jeremy Bensette reported one from East Beach Rd near Leamington on November 16. Pacific Loon (Hamilton): Rich Poort reported one off Confederation Park on November 21. Pacific Loon (Simcoe): At least one bird continued off the Barrie waterfront this week. NORTHERN FULMAR (Cochrane): Jacob Stasso reported one from the Moose River off Moose Factory on November 21. SHORT-TAILED SHEARWATER (Simcoe): Henrique Pacheco found one off Wasaga Beach on November 16 that was enjoyed by many throughout most of the day. Western Cattle-Egret (Essex): The two birds near Kopegaron Woods continued to at least November 21. Western Cattle-Egret (Frontenac): The bird off Hwy 2 near Gananoque continued this week to at least November 17. Black Vulture (Niagara): At least two birds were reported from Queenston this week. White-eyed Vireo (Elgin): One bird was seen by several observers at Hawk Cliff November 15-16. Cave Swallow (Elgin): George Prieksaitis reported two near Union on November 16. Cave Swallow (Essex): Two birds were reported at Holiday Beach on November 16. Cave Swallow (Leeds and Grenville): Bruce Di Labio found one in Gananoque November 17 that was seen by many before being taken by a Merlin later in the day. Yellow-throated Warbler (Ottawa): Tony Tran found one at Dick Bell Park on November 19 that was enjoyed by many the same day. Summer Tanager (Algoma): The female found by Jim Ryan at Whitefish Island on November 6 continued to at least November 21. Summer Tanager (THUNDER BAY): One bird is coming to a feeder at a private residence on Hwy 61 south of Thunder Bay November 9 to at least November 18. Dickcissel (Essex): Paul Pratt reported one from Mettawas Park in Kingsville on November 18. Report compiled by Mike Burrell from a variety of sources, primarily eBird; most other sources are listed here: http://ofo.ca/site/content/ontario-hotlines-and-news -- Ontbirds and Birdnews are moderated email Listservs provided by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) as a service to all birders in Ontario. Birdnews is reserved for announcements, location summaries, first of year reports, etc. To post a message on Birdnews, send an email to: birdnews@ontbirds.ca. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Birdnews Moderators by email at birdn...@ofo.ca. Please review posting rules and guidelines at http://ofo.ca/site/content/listserv-guidelines To find out more about OFO, please visit our website at ofo.ca or Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OntarioFieldOrnithologists.