Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting October 18, 2024

Species mentioned (all caps indicate species on the OBRC review list):
Eurasian Wigeon (Middlesex, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry)
Harlequin Duck (Lambton)
Hudsonian Godwit (Cochrane, Norfolk)
Sabine's Gull (Lambton)
Eared Grebe (Lambton)
Western Grebe (Norfolk)
Pacific Loon (Simcoe)
WHITE IBIS (Northumberland)
Glossy Ibis (Halton, Hamilton)
Western Cattle-Egret (Bruce, COCHRANE)
White-eyed Vireo (Elgin, Middlesex, Toronto, Waterloo, Wellington)
Townsend's Solitaire (Essex)
Harris's Sparrow (Wellington)
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Simcoe)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Prince Edward)
Prairie Warbler (THUNDER BAY)
Dickcissel (Peterborough)

Details: I have tried to indicate the finder, where known. My apologies to
those who I have left out. You can help me by giving the finder's name(s),
if known, in your eBird checklists.

Looking for a replacement: I'm looking for someone to take over these
weekly reports! If you're interested, please get in touch.

Eurasian Wigeon (Middlesex): Gordon Saunders reported one at Strathroy
Sewage Lagoons on October 18.
Eurasian Wigeon (Leeds and Grenville): The male found by Jon Ruddy at the
Long Sault Parkway on October 15 continued to at least October 24 and a
female was found October 18 also by Jon Ruddy from the Long Sault Parkway
October 18.

Harlequin Duck (Lambton): James Holdsworth reported a female type bird past
Ipperwash Beach on October 23.

Hudsonian Godwit (Cochrane): Jacob Stasso reported one in Moose Factory on
October 21.
Hudsonian Godwit (Norfolk): The two birds found off the Big Creek causeway
on October 17 continued to at least October 20.

Sabine's Gull (Lambton): One juvenile bird was photographed from Canatara
Park in Sarnia on October 22.

BLACK-TAILED GULL (Elgin): Donald and Rayfield Pye photographed one on
October 19 at Port Glasgow Marina that was seen by many October 21-23.

SLATY-BACKED GULL (Nipissing): Garry Waldram photographed an adult from
Lakeshore Rd on the east side of Lake Nosbonsing on October 18 that was
seen by many to at least October 24.

Eared Grebe (Lambton): Matt Parsons reported one from just west of Brights
Grove on October 19.

Western Grebe (Norfolk): Stu Mackenzie reported one off Long Point
Provincial Park on October 19.

Pacific Loon (Simcoe): Up to two birds were reported this week from the
Barrie waterfront.

WHITE IBIS (Northumberland): Alicia Anstey found one at Port Hope harbour
that was seen by many on October 21.

Glossy Ibis (Hamilton/Halton): One bird was seen by several observers at
several locations around Woodland Cemetery and Valley Inn on October 23.

Western Cattle-Egret (Bruce): Jarmo Jalava photographed one from Red Bay Rd
October 24.
Western Cattle-Egret (COCHRANE): Jacob Stasso found one at Moose Factory on
October 21 that continued to at least October 23.

VERMILION FLYCATCHER (Norfolk): LPBO staff Gaelen Schnare found one at the
tip of Long Point October 24.

TROPICAL KINGBIRD (Thunder Bay): Gord and Joan Smith found one in Rossport
on October 19 that was seen by many to at least October 24.

White-eyed Vireo (Elgin): Karl Overman photographed one at Port Glasgow
Marina on October 22.
White-eyed Vireo (Middlesex): Carol MacKenzie photographed one at Baldwin
Flats in London on October 23.
White-eyed Vireo (Toronto): Owen Strickland photographed one at Toronto
Islands on October 20.
White-eyed Vireo (Waterloo): Theresa Pero photographed one in Cambridge on
October 19.
White-eyed Vireo (Wellington): Mike Cadman found one at the Correctional
ponds in Guelph on October 18 that was seen by several others the same day.

Townsend's Solitaire (Essex): Terry Hastings photographed one at DeLaurier
Trail in Point Pelee on October 22.

Harris's Sparrow (Wellington): Mike Cadman found one along the Powerline
Trail outside of Guelph on October 20 that was seen by many to at least
October 24.

Yellow-headed Blackbird (Simcoe): James Boccia reported one at Tiny Marsh
on October 18.

Yellow-throated Warbler (Prince Edward): One bird was found at Prince
Edward Point on October 19 and seen by many to at least October 24.

Prairie Warbler (THUNDER BAY): Pegg and Mark Campbell photographed one at
Black Bay near the mouth of the Wolf River on October 23.

LAZULI BUNTING (Thunder Bay): Thunder Cape Bird Observatory staff
photographed one at Thunder Cape on October 18.

Dickcissel (Peterborough): Jeff Stewart recording one at his nocturnal
flight call station on October 21.

Report compiled by Mike Burrell from a variety of sources, primarily eBird;
most other sources are listed here:
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