Hello Matyáš,

we'll love to see your contribution, and we'll try to merge it. Would you 
please have some time next week to do a quick call to do some coordination and 
establish fast communication links?

(Please continue this communication off-list to maria.mate...@nic.cz, thanks!)

Have a nice day!

On March 5, 2025 3:04:23 PM GMT+01:00, "Matyáš Kroupa" <xkrou...@fi.muni.cz> 
>I recently decided that I would want to implement SRv6 extensions for OSPFv3 
>in Bird as my diploma theses. I study at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk 
>University in Brno.
>As segment routing is a huge topic, I would start from the ground. That would 
>mean implementing extended LSAs that use TLVs, then TLVs for Segment Routing 
>with IPv6 dataplane. Since that would not be enough for a diploma thesis, I 
>would also add definitions for Flex-algo.
>I already started with adding constants and data structures for extended LSAs. 
>I read the contribution guide and worked on branch thread-next.
>I hope that my contribution will be welcomed and I am looking forward for 
>hearing any comments from the maintainers.
>Best regards,
>Matyáš Kroupa

Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.

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