Hi Bernd.

Yes, you're right. BIRD does not currently support setting the hostname at the protocol level, only at the global level.

But as this is a trivial and useful feature request, we will implement it.
You can expect this option in a new BIRD release in the near future.

Have fun!

Jana Babovakova | BIRD Tech Support | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.

On 11. 02. 25 22:35, Bernd Naumann wrote:

I wanted to set `hostname "foo";` within `template bgp ... { ... };` and
got `syntax error, unexpected HOSTNAME`.

As a workaround I can set the hostname on the global level but I would
like to see that's possible to set hostname on a protocol level.

My use-case (that's why I stumbled upon it) is that I've been connected
to dn42 and wanted to announce `cpe.bernd.dn42` on my peers and not just
the systems `cpe`, or it's unhelpful fqdn `cpe.home.arpa`.[1]

I'm running BIRD version 2.15.1 on OpenWrt 23.05.5.


[1] Yes, I do really like `home.arpa.`.

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