Thank you. The equipment looks good but Gowin website has a lot of 404
errors - how long has this equipment/manufacturer been on the market??
What about infrastructure security?

Kind regards,

śr., 13 lis 2024 o 18:56 Pim van Pelt <> napisał(a):

> Hoi Mike, colleagues,
> On Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 at 10:55 AM, Mike Neo 
> <> <> wrote:
> I am looking for a 1U rack platform with 1x or 2x psu with low power 
> consumption for a bird-based bgp router (Ubuntu). The supported traffic is 
> expected to be ~1-2Gbps. Can anyone recommend a tested solution?
> If you're willing to run VPP on Ubuntu (or Debian) can be done on very low
> power machines and at surprising throughput.
> Take a look at for example this ~18 Watt machine:
> Or a rack mountable ~22 Watt machine:
> Both of these machines are very affordable, rack mountable (in the case of
> R86S with a rack-mount kit), and route 10G+ with full BGP tables.
> The articles also go into some detail on the machine and CPU specs, and
> how those intersect with DPDK and VPP forwarding.
> groet,
> Pim
> --
> Pim van Pelt <> <>

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