Hello Jakub, running BIRD 1 is not recommended anymore as the team has moved to supporting BIRD 2 and the upcoming BIRD 3. We can't help you with possible problems and you aren't getting any new features since 2019.
The best way forward here is to upgrade to BIRD 2(.15.1). Best regards, Maria On 13 October 2024 18:35:39 CEST, Jakub Osuch <jakub.os...@techgroup.pl> wrote: >Dear BIRD community >I would like to upgrade Debian with BIRD. 10 to 11 and finally to 12. > >I have several VM Debian machines without BIRD and this tutorial works >for me. >https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/update-upgrade-debian-11-to-debian-12-bookworm/ > >Can I upgrade my servers Debian 10 with BIRD 1.6.6 to new Debian and BIRD >1.6.8 without problems ? > > >-- >Jakub Osuch >mobile +48501203739 >www.techgroup.pl -- Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.