Thank you for explain. Of course you are right, I replace string with
int and got similar functionality. For me it doesn't matter.
I already wrote about dynamic BGP protocols and a import/export filter
in which I need to understand with whom I have a session for correct
filtering. It would be very useful to add to route attributes
"routerid", "source ip" or "BGP.hostname". This functionality is similar
to the "proto" route attribute, but if use bgp dynamic protocols
creating attribute "proto" is meaningless.
I find сustom attributes have to be first declared by "attribute" global
option. This suits me, but I can't find ways to assign the required value.
Also, name of dynamic proto will be more filled with meaning if use
hostname or routerid.
08.10.2024 18:07, Ondrej Zajicek пишет:
On Tue, Oct 08, 2024 at 12:16:42PM +0300, Mikhail Mayorov wrote:
I try use CASE and string variable and a have error.... I checked User's
guide 2.0<https://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&f=bird.html&v=20>.... CASE use
operator ~. This operator applies to string variables. What am I doing
Seems like a discrepancy between functionality and documentation.
The description of 'case' [1] says:
The expression after case can be of any type which can be on the left
side of the ~ operator and anything that could be a member of a set is
But in fact, only the second part is true, only values that could be
members of sets are allowed (with the exception of prefixes, as prefix
sets are implemented in a different way). According to [2], that are:
int | pair | quad | ip | prefix | ec | lc | enum
We probably should fix 'case' for prefixes. Looking at it now, there is
also vpnrd, which is allowed in set, but undocumented, and not in switch.
In principle, we could extend sets / case to contain strings / bytesrings,
but i do not really see use case.
[root@wine etc]# cat 123.conf && bird -c ./123.conf -p
function teststring(string myvar) -> bool
case myvar {
"text A" : print "A"; return true;
"text B" : print "B"; return true;
"text C" : print "C"; return true;
else : print "unknown"; return false;
bird: ./123.conf:4:12 syntax error, unexpected TEXT
Mikhail Mayorov
Mikhail Mayorov
PG19, founder and inspirer
B.Bulvarnaya 11, Taganrog, Russia, 347913
tel work: +7 8634 431431 (ext 101)
tel mobile: +7 905 4309006