W dniu 1.04.2024 o 00:50, Arnaud Houdelette-Langlois via Bird-users pisze:


I got two routers running freebsd (BSDRP).

Those two are used as redundant site firewalls and main routers / route servers.

Both exchange routes between themselves and other routers using Bird (OSPF+BGP).

Both serve as gateway for our management network, with carp enabled.

I got trouble making CARP and BIRD working together.

The carp enabled interface use a dummy network for exchanging carp info (link local adresses :

Bird Device protocol does not makes any difference between adresses in MASTER or BACKUP vhids, so the route appears in both routers.

I tried with recent "learn all" feature of kernel protocol : There, bird only picks up route when its master, but, in case of MASTER failover or preemption, it doesn't remove the route early enough, and freebsd does not seem to replace the route on it’s kernel table, so when birds finally removes the route, we end up with no route at all. (and a non working network segment).

Am I the only one facing this issue ? Is there a way to make bird carp aware ?

Sure, the best way to let BIRD know that CARP state has changed is to deploy devd(8):

# /etc/devd/carp.conf
notify 0 {
       match "system"          "CARP";
       match "subsystem"       "[0-9]+@[0-9a-z]+";
       match "type"            "(MASTER|BACKUP)";
       action "/root/bin/carpcontrol.sh $subsystem $type";

# /root/bin/carpcontrol.sh
c_if="vlanX"             # CARP interface1

bird_remove_routes() {

here change configs, reconfigure bird etc


bird_add_routes() {

here change configs, reconfigure bird etc


if [ "$subsystem" = "$vhid@$c_if" ]; then
    case $type in

Happy routing !


Marek Zarychta

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