> On 23 Jan 2024, at 14:13, Nico Schottelius via Bird-users
> <bird-users@network.cz> wrote:
> Hello bird users,
> I am wondering how you handle matching both IPv6 and IPv4 prefixes
> efficiently.
> We have tons of blocks in our config like these:
Generate the configs.
Especially when doing IRR filtering, one simply lets bgpq4 generate the filters
and then drop those definitions into a bird include file, and generate the
peers parts too.
For variations/options, generate those options too based on the input ASN/peer.
Use your favourite configuration management tool or use something like:
That does all of it already (bgp4 and uses peeringdb for peers), YMMV for
what tool to use (eg. I got my own little thingy for it).