please help me understand the configuration logic for BIRD2.
In BIRD 1 we have a config file common.conf that gets included from
bird.conf and bird6.conf. It holds common configuration applicable to
both IPv4 and IPv6 like this:
table bgpext;
protocol pipe p_bgpext {
table master;
peer table bgpext;
import all;
export none;
For BIRD2 I seem to have to rewrite that simple configuration to:
ipv4 table bgpext4;
ipv6 table bgpext6;
protocol pipe p_bgpext4 {
table master4;
peer table bgpext4;
import all;
export none;
protocol pipe p_bgpext6 {
table master6;
peer table bgpext6;
import all;
export none;
Why do I have to double the configuration now?
Did I miss something?
This is a quite simple example. There are more complex protocol
templates and filter functions that all would have to be doubled.
Kindest Regards
Robert Sander
Heinlein Consulting GmbH
Schwedter Str. 8/9b, 10119 Berlin
Tel: 030 / 405051-43
Fax: 030 / 405051-19
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg - HRB 220009 B
Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein - Sitz: Berlin