
I write a lot about (kernel and user space) routing performance on
https://ipng.ch/s/articles/ including hardware and dataplane acceleration
(with VPP and DPDK) on small (Fitlet2 or PCEngines), medium (Supermicro
Xeon 1518D or Netgate 6100), and very large (Ryzen/Milan/Xeon Platinum)
systems, from 100kpps and 1Gbit, all the way to 180Gbit/150Mpps.

As a control plane, the choice of software be it Bird or FRR or OpenBGPd et
al, is less relevant than your choice of kernel or dataplane acceleration.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 at 19:33, Ömür Yavuz via Bird-users <
bird-users@network.cz> wrote:

> Hello community, I don't know if there is any obstacle for me to ask this
> kind of question. Everything is fine in terms of software, but can I get a
> hardware suggestion that millions of packages will pass through live with
> the servant? Do you have experience with an intel cpu and chelsio t4 nic or
> intel x5xx series? Which enterprise level devices can I use as hardware?
> ____________________________________________
> Ömür Yavuz
> --
Pim van Pelt <p...@ipng.nl>
PBVP1-RIPE - http://www.ipng.nl/

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