On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 03:57:10AM +0200, Alexander Zubkov wrote:
> Hi,
> While waiting for the fate of the previous patches, I was thinking
> about that thing about using keywords as symbols. So here is another
> longread. :)
> Now it is not possible to mix a keyword and a keyword as a symbol
> together. Here is what I mean. With current master bird if I use
> config:
> ...
> protocol device {}
> function role() { int role = 1; return role; }
> template bgp { local role peer; }


You are right, but note that keywords collide just with top-level symbols
(e.g. protocols, tables, functions, ...), while scoped symbols do not
affect it, e.g, this is okay:

  function xyz() { int role = 1; return role; }
  template bgp { local role peer; }

While it is inconvenient, it preserves backward compatibility (compared
to the previous approach, where keywords always dominate symbols), as a
configuration valid for an older version of BIRD is valid in a newer
version of BIRD that adds new keywords (the configuration may contain
such names used as symbols, but not as keywords).

> Because "role" is converted to a symbol and it is not possible to use
> it as a keyword anymore. I thought if something can be done about that
> and I probably have a solution. See the attached patch. It maybe not
> the best design, just to show the idea. I change the order of
> detecting symbol and keyword in the lexer, so it always returns a
> keyword for a keyword, and it is converted into a symbol only in the
> parser when it is used as a symbol. As we can hit such symbol keyword
> many times, I check if it has already been defined and create a new
> one if needed. Then I replace mentions of CF_SYM_KNOWN with
> symbol_known, which can be CF_SYM_KNOWN or kw_sym. So, with this patch
> applied, both configs are successfully parsed and work well.

We thought about this approach, but it has issues with conflicts in our
rather irregular grammar. Note that current kw_sym is almost empty,
i originally planned it to contain all keywords (unless explicitly
excluded), and i would likely to do that soon. Even with almost empty
kw_sym, your patch added 2 grammar conflicts. If we add most symbols
to kw_sym, it will cause many conflicts.

OTOH, the current approach accepts kw_sym only in 'symbol' [*], which is
much scarced in grammar, and therefore causes minimum conflicts.

[*] Which is in-fact more like symbol_unknown, but also accepts known
symbols for purpose of redefining them in different scope.

I would prefer to avoid such changes now, as Maria is doing some rework
on symbols and we have some divergence in symbol processing between
master and 3.0 branches.

> Also, I think that the current realization in bird relies on the fact
> that lexer would not have symbols parsed in advance, i.e. that further
> mentions of the keyword should return CF_SYM_KNOWN. But if it is not
> the case and the lexer parses forward for some reason (before the
> parser creates the symbol for the keyword) it would not return
> CF_SYM_KNOWN. I don't know the internals of the lexer and parser much,
> maybe it is impossible situation (parser does not backtrack, etc.).
> And there is no need to worry here.

Yes, it is kind of strange, in long-term, it would make more sense to move all
symbol processing from lexer to parser.

> Some additional notes.
> My previous remark regarding the missing "|" in "kw_sym: MIN MAX"
> seems to be correct, because current bird master fails on such config:

Yes that is true. I just added it ad-hoc in order to have some kw_sym
defined in nest/config.Y, so it is not empty when BIRD is compiled
without BGP.

> But if I try to call "eval role()" from cli, I get an error: "runtime
> error", and the daemon logs this:
> bird: filters, line 2: Argument 1 of VAR_INIT must be of type int, got type 
> void
> So it looks like it tries to initialize it with the void value and
> fails to do it. I haven't tracked the source of this bug.

Will look at this.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Ondrej 'Santiago' Zajicek (email: santi...@crfreenet.org)
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"To err is human -- to blame it on a computer is even more so."

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