Circling back here:

What's the process for getting this recorded as a bug? also
confirmed this present in 2.0.10. Stripping MED silently (and without
reflecting it in exported route output) when export tables are enabled is

On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 1:33 PM Hugo Slabbert <> wrote:

> That indeed does mirror my experience, yes, and it does not appear that
> there was any specific resolution in that thread.
> This note from Ondrej at
> seem to line up with my assumptions of this being an artifact of passing
> "through" the export table:
> > It is not expected behavior. Note that MED on route exported to EBGP
> > should be removed, unless it is explicitly set in the export filter. I
> > suspect that with export table, the attribute set in the export filter is
> > considered mistakenly as 'old' instead of 'fresh' for the purpose of MED
> > removal test, as the route is stored in the export table in-between.
> Though it appears that it's perhaps not an artifact of "internal" route
> attributes not being present on the export table view of routes for
> evaluation at the export table stage to the peer, but rather than
> *regardless* of how you stamp MED that it will be stripped out if passed
> through an export table.
> If that's the case, that strikes me as incorrect behaviour, yea?
> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 12:52 PM Alexander Zubkov <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I remembered reading this thread. You might have the similar problem:
>> <>
>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 9:14 PM Hugo Slabbert via Bird-users <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> On bird 2.0.7. We've been debugging some export behaviour (ref subject
>>> "BIRD continues exporting routes but reports no exports"), and enabled
>>> export tables on ipv4 and ipv6 channels for some of our BGP sessions. When
>>> we did that, we found that the MED we were applying in our export filters
>>> were no longer being stamped on export.
>>> We're setting route preference on locally defined static routes, and
>>> then setting MED at export based on that route preference. Since the
>>> preference order is flipped between MED and BIRD's route preference (higher
>>> preference is better; lower MED is better), we transform that and bank it
>>> around 100, e.g. preference 100 -> MED 100; preference 99 -> MED 110, etc:
>>> ```
>>> function preference_to_med ()
>>> int tier;
>>> {
>>>     tier = 100 - preference;
>>>     return 100 + (tier * 10);
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> Best I can tell, it appears that the `preference` attribute is not
>>> available on routes when they're passed through export tables.
>>> I tried instead to just stamp igp_metric on the static routes right when
>>> they are defined, to the same value as we would have for the MED, and then
>>> just doing `bgp_med = igp_metric` in the export filter, but that also
>>> did not work as MED was still not being stamped on export.
>>> We can and do also set `bgp_med` on the static routes right at their
>>> initial definition time. But, they are defined in a different table and
>>> being pulled into the source table for the exports through a pipe (so e.g.
>>> defined in MY_CUSTOM_TABLE with bgp_med set, then imported via pipe to
>>> master4, and exported from master4 via BGP), and it appears that operation
>>> means the initial MED defined on the route is not retained on export after
>>> passing through the pipe and needing to be set again explicitly.
>>> Are these types of BIRD "internal" route attributes, e.g. preference,
>>> igp_metric, not present on routes when they're passed through export
>>> tables? I suppose we could instead use BGP communities on the route, and
>>> extract the value portion of the community, but we were trying to keep
>>> things to a native metric type value. I.e. we want to just pass this across
>>> the BGP session as something like MED rather than making the far end apply
>>> a function to extract a value from a community. We could still use
>>> communities purely *within* the local BIRD instance for that, using the
>>> function only locally and still stamping MED on export; I'm just trying to
>>> determine if that's the best path, as it feels a bit clunky to need to use
>>> communities for something that is only locally significant within the local
>>> BIRD instance.

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