By the way - compiling the most recent version of bird is very easy. So
even though there's not a package for 2.0.12 for bullseye, I recommend just
compiling with the same options as the bird package and running that.

On Fri, Mar 3, 2023, 2:07 PM Hugo Slabbert via Bird-users <> wrote:

> Ah; thanks. Okay, I was misreading that as just referring to regular table
> filtering, not in conjunction with import/export.  I had looked at `show
> symbols table` and not seen any indication of it, but missed that these
> are present in the `show route export table <p.c>` format regardless.
> Thanks. That confirms that we do in fact see a difference there between
> the export table and the ad hoc route export view when this occurs, after a
> single call to `birdc configure` (scrubbed slightly here):
> ```
> bird> show route export gw_085ea85_euwest2
> bird>
> bird> show route export table gw_085ea85_euwest2.ipv4
> Table export:
>        unicast [<name of static source> 16:41:41.058] *
> (100)
>         via <next hop> on bond0 onlink
> ```
> We'll keep an eye here and validate if we do see this returning on 2.0.10
> as well, or if 2.0.10 remains clear.
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 10:18 AM Alexander Zubkov <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It is documented in recent versions and on the bird's site too. Pay
>> attention to this:
>> [(import|export) table p.c]
>> On Fri, Mar 3, 2023, 18:32 Hugo Slabbert via Bird-users <
>>> wrote:
>>> Right, so,
>>> I've gone ahead and enabled export tables on the channels for the
>>> relevant peers, per Alexander's suggestion for possibly getting additional
>>> visibility. I don't seem to spot any different views for route status,
>>> though. I don't see any particular docs on how to *view* export tables;
>>> does enabling export tables make a different view available to look at the
>>> export table contents specifically? Or does it just shift the behaviour so 
>>> `show
>>> route export <protocol>` displays the export table contents rather than
>>> a point-in-time evaluation of export filters for the specified neighbor?
>>> Snippet showing export tables config enabled for the peers:
>>> ```
>>> template bgp GATEWAY_v6 {
>>>     hold time 6;
>>>     startup hold time 20;
>>>     connect delay time 3;
>>>     connect retry time 6;
>>>     error wait time 3, 12;
>>>     med metric;
>>>     allow local as 1;
>>>     local fdff::4:2 as MENLO_ASN;
>>>     ipv6 {
>>>         export table on;
>>>         import filter GATEWAY_IMPORT_v6;
>>>         export filter GATEWAY_EXPORT_v6;
>>>     };
>>>     ipv4 {
>>>         export table on;
>>>         extended next hop on;
>>>         add paths rx;
>>>         import filter GATEWAY_IMPORT_v4;
>>>         export filter GATEWAY_EXPORT_v4;
>>>     };
>>> }
>>> # ...
>>> protocol bgp gw_085ea85_euwest2 from GATEWAY_v6 {
>>>     neighbor fdff::8005:f4d1 as 65000;
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> I don't see any different behaviour on the affected hosts, though. E.g.
>>> a host that just had `configure` called once after setting the draining
>>> flag is showing these symptoms, showing nothing for `show route export
>>> <protocol>`:
>>> ```
>>> bird> show route export gw_085ea85_euwest2
>>> bird>
>>> ```
>>> ...but still showing exports under the protocol details:
>>> ```
>>> bird> show protocols all gw_085ea85_euwest2
>>> Name       Proto      Table      State  Since         Info
>>> gw_085ea85_euwest2 BGP        ---        up     2023-03-03 16:33:43
>>>  Established
>>>   BGP state:          Established
>>> # ...
>>>   Channel ipv6
>>>     State:          UP
>>>     Table:          master6
>>>     Preference:     100
>>>     Input filter:   GATEWAY_IMPORT_v6
>>>     Output filter:  GATEWAY_EXPORT_v6
>>>     Routes:         2 imported, 2 exported, 1 preferred
>>>     Route change stats:     received   rejected   filtered    ignored
>>> accepted
>>>       Import updates:              3          0          1          0
>>>        2
>>>       Import withdraws:            0          0        ---          0
>>>        0
>>>       Export updates:            109          5         96        ---
>>>        8
>>>       Export withdraws:            2        ---        ---        ---
>>>        2
>>>     BGP Next hop:   fdff::4:2
>>>   Channel ipv4
>>>     State:          UP
>>>     Table:          master4
>>>     Preference:     100
>>>     Input filter:   GATEWAY_IMPORT_v4
>>>     Output filter:  GATEWAY_EXPORT_v4
>>>     Routes:         12 imported, 1 exported, 0 preferred
>>>     Route change stats:     received   rejected   filtered    ignored
>>> accepted
>>>       Import updates:             12          0          0          0
>>>       12
>>>       Import withdraws:            0          0        ---          0
>>>        0
>>>       Export updates:             39          4         31        ---
>>>        4
>>>       Export withdraws:            0        ---        ---        ---
>>>        1
>>>     BGP Next hop:   fdff::4:2
>>> ```
>>> Note this is still on 2.0.7.  We've bumped some hosts to 2.0.10, but as
>>> indicated in the previous message, just a simple restart clears this issue
>>> from occurring.  We've enabled the export table config on both a 2.0.7 and
>>> a 2.0.10 host, to be able to possibly spot if this reoccurs on the 2.0.10
>>> host as well after a period. An example host on 2.0.7 showing this
>>> behaviour has been up for ~2 weeks. The box upgraded to 2.0.10 has had BIRD
>>> running for just ~16 hours at this point and is not yet showing any issues.
>>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 4:07 PM Hugo Slabbert <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> A slight update on this:
>>>> 3f477ccb
>>>> <>
>>>> does appear to be in 2.0.7, which we're running, so if that's the issue
>>>> that may not be the problem.
>>>> This looked to be successful initially when upgrading to 2.0.10. But, I
>>>> then checked a box that was still running 2.0.7 and where we could repro
>>>> it. I simply restarted bird there, and then could no longer repro it.
>>>> So, just restarting bird at 2.0.7 was sufficient to clear the problem,
>>>> at least temporarily, and the bump to 2.0.10 then wasn't a clear test,
>>>> given that's obviously a fresh instance of bird running.
>>>> We'll try to validate if the problem eventually returns on the 2.0.7
>>>> box(es) after a restart, and if it does *not* return on the 2.0.10
>>>> instance, but we don't have a clear timeline at the moment on this if it's
>>>> something that pops up "in a while" of bird running.
>>>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 2:54 PM Hugo Slabbert <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Was this perhaps 3f477ccb
>>>>> <>
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Filters: Function body comparison result now used.
>>>>>> Function bodies were compared in post-parse time, yet the result was
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> used and the functions were incorrectly considered the same as
>>>>>> before.
>>>>> Now the result is used to reload affected protocols.
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 2:51 PM Hugo Slabbert <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> ah, right, apologies.
>>>>>> bird 2.0.7-4.1 on Debian 11.6, kernel  5.10.136-1
>>>>>> Looks like 2.0.7 was released Oct 16 2019 (
>>>>>>, so a fair chance we might be
>>>>>> hitting this? It looks like something from 2.0.10 is available from the
>>>>>> bullseye backports, with the most recent being 2.0.12 in bookworm or sid.
>>>>>> I'll look at pulling one of those in to validate.
>>>>>> ...where changes in functions sometimes got ignored.
>>>>>> This might be reaching, but would that explain the difference between
>>>>>> what's shown in route export status output versus what's actually being
>>>>>> exported?
>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 2:39 PM Maria Matejka via Bird-users <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>>> > We've tried adding a sleep between when the include snippet that
>>>>>>> changes
>>>>>>> > the DRAIN_NODE  value is written and when we hit `birdc
>>>>>>> configure`, but
>>>>>>> > that doesn't appear to make any difference. If we execute `birdc
>>>>>>> > configure` *twice*, though, everything's fine: The actual exports
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> > stopped. That's true without any sleep or break between running
>>>>>>> > configure as well; literally just `birdc configure` back to back
>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>> > script that manages this.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > We do not see any indication of issues in the `birdc configure`
>>>>>>> runs or
>>>>>>> > in BIRD's logs.
>>>>>>> You are not disclosing the version of BIRD you are using. I vaguely
>>>>>>> remember that we fixed this kind of bug several years ago where
>>>>>>> changes
>>>>>>> in functions sometimes got ignored.
>>>>>>> Thus if you are not using a recent BIRD version, you are probably
>>>>>>> hitting that old bug.
>>>>>>> Maria

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