Hello fellow bird users,

with bird 2.0.12 I am currently getting an "Socket: Permission denied"
error messages when trying to establish a specific IPv6 iBGP session.

The funny thing is that another connection works perfectly.

The BGP block that fails is:

protocol bgp serverXX {
  local     as xx;
  neighbor 2a0a:...::44 as xx;

  ipv6 {
    import all;
    export all;

  ipv4 {
    import all;
    export all;

Resulting into:

bird> show protocols all serverXX
Name       Proto      Table      State  Since         Info
serverXX BGP        ---        start  12:18:52.466  Active        Socket: 
Permission denied
  BGP state:          Active
    Neighbor address: 2a0a:..::44
    Neighbor AS:      xx
    Local AS:         xx
    Connect delay:    2.961/5
    Last error:       Socket: Permission denied
  Channel ipv6
    State:          DOWN
    Table:          master6
    Preference:     100
    Input filter:   ACCEPT
    Output filter:  ACCEPT
  Channel ipv4
    State:          DOWN
    Table:          master4
    Preference:     100
    Input filter:   ACCEPT
    Output filter:  ACCEPT


An almost identical iBGP session is established without problems:

protocol bgp routerZZ {
  local     as xx;
  neighbor 2a0a:..::6 as xx;

  ipv6 {
    import all;
    export all;

  ipv4 {
    import all;
    export all;

Obviously the IPs are different, but I am really puzzled at to what
causes this. It's bird 2.0.12 running on Linux, iptables/ip6tables are
not having any rules.

Interestingly the peer on the other side has exactly the same error.

Does anyone have a hint on what might be wrong here?

Best regards,


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