Hi Toke,

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 10:50:14PM +0100, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
> Daniel Gröber <d...@darkboxed.org> writes:
> > The route expiration code appears to have been stolen from rip.c, in that
> > code the rt_notify function actually does modify the rtable fib by calling
> > fib_get. The babel code however does no such thing, so this inefficient
> > restart is just entirely uneccesarry.
> Erm, huh? The babel rt_notify() function calls babel_get_entry(), which
> calls fib_get()? It's quite similar to the rip one, in fact (which, as
> you note, is no coincidence).

Rats, looks like I missed that codepath in my review. Interesting that my
test code never blew up because of it though.

Looking at it again it should blow up when rt_notify gets a route that's
announced from another protocol, not babel, as babel_announce_rte will
always already have a babel_entry in hand.

Is it perhaps that the problematic sync callchain only happens with babel
routes and so we always already have an entry?

> > To prove this is true I add a bunch of checking code that can be removed
> > later.
> That doesn't really prove anything, though, unless you can also show
> that you did an exhaustive torture test of all possible route
> expiry/retraction possibilities? :)

Prove is perhaps the wrong word, I just wanted to see if it blows up in my
face haha.

> More to the point, what problem are you really trying to solve here? Did
> you observe any particular performance issue with the current code, for
> instance?

With my recent "announce all possible routes to the core" changes I'm
concerned about cubic blowup here. Since now every expired route (not just
the selected one) causes a restart.

We can always go back to the solution I had before this: keep a
singly-linked list of routes to be expired and do them all after


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