
With current bird's abilities you can try something like this (with correct
IPs of course):

protocol static aggr1 {
    ipv4 { table master4; }
    route 103.1035.59.0/24 recursive 103.1035.59.0;
    route 103.1035.59.0/24 recursive 103.1035.59.1;
    route 103.1035.59.0/24 recursive 103.1035.59.255;
filter export1 {
    if dest = RDT_UNREACHABLE then reject;
    if net ~ [ 103.1035.59.0/24{25,32} ] then reject;

And if you need to add some attributes (communities, etc.) than you need to
add some filter to the routes in the static protocol aggr1. You cannot
"inherit" attributes from more specific routes.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 2:35 AM Foo Weng Chan <fw.c...@toffstech.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I’m using latest BIRD 2.0.12 but still not seeing availability of *BGP
> Route Aggregation* feature.
> May I know any update on this feature since the most recent post I can
> find per below :
> https://bird.network.cz/pipermail/bird-users/2021-February/015203.html
> My setup has a BGP border router receives multiple /32 prefixes from few
> internal IBGP peers. When advertise it our to EBGP peers, I need to
> aggregate it into a single /24 prefix as the upstream ISP does not accept
> any prefix smaller than /24. Also, when all IBGP peer stop announcing /32
> prefixes, I shall stop announcing /24 prefix to EBGP as well.
> Basically this is exactly what Cisco IOS router do with the following BGP
> command :
> aggregate-address 103.1035.59.0 summary-only
> Is that anyway to implement the above with BIRD ?
> Thanks & rgds,
> Chan

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