
For example I may want to refactor the naming scheme for protocols/tables in my bird config. But when I apply the new config with the new names, such renamed protocols will be recreated or restarted, which may be undesired. So if I could rename protocols/tables in advance and then load the new config, I can hope than no changes would be found and the there would be no interruptions.

What I was thinking about some time ago, was not this kind of "renaming from CLI" but a special clause "renamed XYZ to ABC" which could be put at the end (!) of the new config. This would solve the problem with rewriting the symbol in-place which is ugly.

Yet there are problems (mostly in v3) where e.g. the protocol name is pre-formatted into other strings, effectively forcing us to walk through the code and find all these cases while renaming. We don't want BIRD to errorneously log about a protocol with its old name.

All in all, I'd not opposed to this idea, yet from my current POV, the changes needed are too high for now to have it a single patch or so.

Thank you for your suggestion!


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