Hi Robert, Thanks for your reply,

I used this write method, but it still returns this error

I modified it to look like this:

function is_rpki_invalid() {
        if (net.type = NET_IP4 && roa_check(roa_table4, net, bgp_path.last) = 
ROA_INVALID) then return true;
        else if (net.type = NET_IP6 && roa_check(roa_table6, net, 
bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID) then return true;
        return false;

Thank you for your help

MoeBee Network

寄件者: Bird-users <bird-users-boun...@network.cz> 代表 Robert Scheck 
寄件日期: 2023年1月24日 0:03
收件者: haima via Bird-users <bird-users@network.cz>
主旨: Re: 回覆: Question: ROA verification does not work properly on bird 2.0.11 
On Mon, 23 Jan 2023, haima via Bird-users wrote:
> function is_rpki_invalid () { }
>         if roa_check(roa_table4, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID then 
>return true
>         if roa_check(roa_table6, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID then 
>return true;
>         return false;
> }

I might be totally wrong here, but last time I tried this approach, I
finally had to use something like this:

if (net.type = NET_IP4 && roa_check(roa_table4, net, bgp_path.last) = 

if (net.type = NET_IP6 && roa_check(roa_table6, net, bgp_path.last) = 


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