Oh, looking at your previous post, I've spotted that on the previous line, you have this:

function is_rpki_invalid() { }

The ending brace creates an empty function and the following line is then probably misinterpreted as something strange.


On 1/23/23 16:50, haima wrote:
Hi, Maria, Thanks for your reply,

Line 59 reads as follows:
if roa_check(roa_table4, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID then return true;


MoeBee Network

             寄件者: Bird-users 代表 Maria Matejka via Bird-users
已傳送: 星期一, 2023 年 1 月 23 日  23:38
收件者: bird-users@network.cz
主旨: Re: Question: ROA verification does not work properly on bird 2.0.11


bird will return the following error: /etc/bird/function.conf:59:22 Syntax 
error, unexpected CF_SYM_UNDEFINED, expecting CF_SYM_KNOWN

The numbers 59:22 are actually the line:char index in that file. Could

you please disclose what is in /etc/bird/function.conf around line 59 to

let us help you find out what's the case?



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