Hi everyone

I've implemented the Babel RTT extension specified in
draft-ietf-babel-rtt-extension in Bird. I've tested that it talks to
babeld on a single link and that the two implementations agree on each
others' (smoothed) RTT values. However, I'd like to subject the code to
some more tortured testing before submitting it to upstream Bird. So I'm
sending this note as a request for testing.

The code currently lives here:


To compile it, do:

 git clone -b babel-rtt-01 https://github.com/tohojo/bird
 cd bird && autoreconf && ./configure && make

To run it, create a config file enabling the RTT extension; the simplest
way to do this is to set the interface type to 'tunnel'. A sample
minimal config is included below (just change the interface name from
"veth0"). Save this and run Bird in the foreground in debug mode like:

  ./bird -c sample.conf -d

Any feedback (successes or failures) greatly appreciated!


debug protocols all;
router id;
ipv4 table master4;
ipv6 table master6;

protocol device {
        scan time 10;

protocol kernel kernel4 {
        ipv4 {
                export all;
                import all;

protocol kernel kernel6 {
        ipv6 {
                import all;
                import all;

protocol babel {
        ipv4 {
                import all;
                export all;

        ipv6 {
                import all;
                export all;

        interface "veth0" {
          type tunnel;

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