On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 5:14 PM Adam Thompson <athomp...@merlin.mb.ca>

> Hi,
> I’m successfully using BIRD with the Go Looking Glass from
> https://github.com/xddxdd/bird-lg-go.  I haven’t needed to use the birdc
> CLI until now, and I’m a bit confused by it in ways the docs don’t appear
> to address.
> (I’m running default distro pkgs on Alma Linux 8.5, one of the post-CentOS
> RHEL rebuilds.)
> The output I get looks like:
> [root@lg2 ~]# birdc show route | head
> BIRD 2.0.9 ready.
> Table master4:
>      unreachable [uwpg_rtr1_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] * (100) [AS56041?]
>                      unreachable [umrtr2_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] (100) [AS56041?]
>                      unreachable [umrtr1_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] (100) [AS56041?]
>     unreachable [umrtr1_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] * (100) [AS23201i]
>                      unreachable [umrtr2_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] (100) [AS23201i]
>                      unreachable [uwpg_rtr1_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] (100) [AS23201i]
>      unreachable [umrtr1_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] * (100) [AS62240i]
>                      unreachable [umrtr2_v4 2022-03-26 from
>] (100) [AS62240i]
>    1. Is the “unreachable” bit normal on a looking glass / route
>    collector?
> It depends on your setup. It could affect best path selection if there are
"reachable" routes, so be careful with that.

>    1. What’s with the “?” at the end of some ASes?
> This displays one of BGP attributes. It is not the bird's thing, it is
usual BGP thing. Description from bird's documentation:

enum bgp_origin

Origin of the route: either ORIGIN_IGP if the route has originated in an
interior routing protocol or ORIGIN_EGP if it's been imported from the EGP
protocol (nowadays it seems to be obsolete) or ORIGIN_INCOMPLETE if the
origin is unknown.

>    1. Where’s the AS paths?  All I seem to get is the terminal AS.
> Use "all" switch for "show route" command to see all attributes.

> I’m not sure if I’m not using the tool correctly, or if I’m even using the
> right tool in the first place.
> Pointers / clues appreciated?
> Thanks,
> -Adam
> *Adam Thompson*
> Consultant, Infrastructure Services
> [image: MERLIN]
> 100 - 135 Innovation Drive
> Winnipeg, MB, R3T 6A8
> (204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only)
> athomp...@merlin.mb.ca
> www.merlin.mb.ca

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