Hello Adrian,

I don't have an answer to your questions, but might I suggest a whole different approach to your script? If you install Birdwatcher [1] then you put all the heavy lifting to parsing the birdc output to Birdwatcher. All you have to do is talk to a JSON API in your Python code. I think this makes your life a lot easier. I've used Birdwatcher in combination with PHP scripting and it works great!

So, not an answer to your question, but I do hope that my e-mail is still useful for you.

Kind regards,

[1]: https://github.com/alice-lg/birdwatcher

On 2022-03-09 14:44, Adrian Brooks wrote:


Is it possible to configure the Bird console so that the output isn't interrupted with '--More--' statements please? (similar to the Cisco 'terminal length 0' command)

I'm using Expect in a Python script to collect data from Bird, so it would be handy to be able to switch this off (I'm using 2.0.9)

Many thanks for your time,



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