ip link add dev gz-hk type wireguard
wg setconf gz-hk /etc/wireguardconf/gz-hk.conf
ip link set gz-hk up
ip addr add fdc8:dc88:ee11:213::192/128 peer fdc8:dc88:ee11:192::213/128 dev 
ip addr add peer dev gz-hk
ip addr add fe80::3088:213/64 dev gz-hk
------------------ Original ------------------
From: &nbsp;"Maria&nbsp;Matejka"<maria.mate...@nic.cz&gt;;
Date: &nbsp;Tue, Feb 22, 2022 09:16 PM
To: &nbsp;"bird-users"<bird-users@network.cz&gt;; 

Subject: &nbsp;Re: 2.0.9 protocol babel issue



As far as I can test in my local wireguard configuration, it works for 
me. How does your wireguard configuration look like?


On 2/22/22 7:20 AM, admin wrote:
&gt; Hi,there!
&gt; I upgraded Bird to 2.0.9, but the Babel protocol could not find neighbors. 
my interface link is wireguard VPN. how to solve this problem?
&gt; thank you!
&gt; this is my configuration,bird 2.0.8 is work.
&gt; protocol babel {
&gt;    ipv4 {
 export where (source = RTS_DEVICE) || (source = RTS_BABEL);
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; };
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ipv6 {
 export where (source = RTS_DEVICE) || (source = RTS_BABEL);
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; };
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; interface "gz-*";
&gt; }

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