Hello guys, I have two identically configured routers (bird2, only the local ip is different), connected to one upstream and a few internal vlans. Each router has a BGP session with the upstream router. I have a couple of small local subnets (/27, /28, ..), which are on different vlan interfaces, which I need to announce to upstream. They all belong to one big network (/23). As the upstream router doesn't accept routes smaller than /24, I only announce a single route to the /23 network. I uploaded my bird configuration https://controlc.com/aa226135.
For completeness: for first hop redundancy (default gateway of the clients using the small subnets) I use keepalived on my routers, which works fine so far. What's the problem: As both routers announce the same network to upstream, upstream sends some of its traffic to router1 and some to router2 (but doesn't seem balanced in any way). This seems to cause (at least) tcp ordering issues (I suspect, couldn't confirm it in any way), because sometime some connections from local client to clients behind the upstream "hang" for a couple of seconds. If I stop bird on the backup router (so all traffic only goes to the active one) no hangs occur. The question: Is my setup ok or is it (completely) broken? Is it ok to have both routers announce the same subnets at the same time? Possible solution I'm thinking about but don't know how to do it: Both routers should have an active BGP sessions (for fast failover), but only the router which is active (and thus has the gateway ips) should announce the "aggregated" route (the /23). This way no traffic would go over the backup. But I wonder how this could be configured in bird? I could configure keepalived to not only create the gateway ips but also the small subnets (in my current config the subnets are created by bird). Would this make things easier for bird? My last resort would be to have keepalived execute scripts which reconfigure bird on failover. But somehow this feels wrong? Or is this the way to do it? Thank you very much for reading and any help. I'm struggling with this for days now... :-( Alessandro