On 1/19/21 8:22 AM, Alexander Zubkov wrote:
You can also try to bind several birds to a single address in linux (probably little patchin is required to set socket options) and linux will balance sessions between them.

You might be able to get away with running the different instances of BIRD on different ports and rely on IPTables to redirect traffic to & from the alternate port. Thus likely eliminating the need to patch the source code.

If you're doing the redirecting, I'd be more inclined to redirect to an alternate IP and run each BIRD instance in it's own network namespace on the default ports.

You may actually be able to redirect based on PBR routes and anycast the same IP in the network namespaces. -- This might also allow you to configure the PBR such that there is a preferred network namespace / BIRD instance while allowing fall back to an alternate network namespace / BIRD instance.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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