On Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 06:26 Fabiano D'Agostino, <
fabiano.dagostin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning Maria,
> but how can I guarantee business continuity? I mean can two versions of
> Bird running on the same host at the same time?

If running BIRD is important for your business, you should already have a
plan for updating the BIRD software when needed, even if it is only for a
small fix. In principle I would guess the same plan will work for the
bigger change from 1.6 to 2.0.

BTW, to me your questions sound a bit like "please will you do my homework
for me?"  I think you will need to do more of your own research to ramp up
on how BIRD works, so that you can then ask more precise questions.

Best wishes,

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