Hello dear Maria! Hello bird community!

I have a question to ask you. We realized that there is one BGP session
which bird sees it as an unreachable destination, thus it doesn't
advertise its prefixes to the other peers, since it does not go to the
master table.
We run v2.0.7 and hereby I paste some outputs and then some configs on
this regard. The protocol is up. It is pingable and traceable. Yet shows

bird> show protocol R49624xB
Name       Proto      Table      State  Since         Info
R49624xB   BGP        ---        up     11:34:07.198  Established

bird> show route protocol R49624xB
Table T49624_6:
2a0b:880::/32        unreachable [R49624xB 11:34:08.214 from
2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b] (100) [i]

bird> sh route table master6 2a0b:880::/32
Network not found

-bash-4.2# ping6 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b
PING 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b(2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.04 ms
64 bytes from 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.977 ms

function is_martian6()
prefix set martians;
        martians = [ 3ffe::/16+, 2001:db8::/32+, 2001::/33+, 2002::/17+,
::/8+,  fe00::/9+, ff00::/8+ ];
        #if net.ip = :: then return true;
        if (net.len < 19) || (net.len > 48) then return true;
        if net ~ martians then return true;
        return false;
function bgp_in_ibgp()
        if (is_martian6()) then return false;
        if gw = 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:a then {
                if net ~ [ 2a0b:880::/32 ] then {
                        return true;
        if gw = 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b then {
                if net ~ [ 2a0b:880::/32 ] then {
                        return true;
        return false;
protocol pipe P49624_6 {
        table master6;
        peer table T49624_6 ;
        import where bgp_in_ibgp();
        export all;

protocol bgp R49624xB {
            local rs_IPv6 as myas;
            neighbor as myas;
            neighbor 2001:7f8:4c::ffff:b;
            passive on;
            connect retry time 6000;
            ipv6 {
                    table T49624_6;
                    import limit 50 action disable;
                    import all;
                    import keep filtered on;
                    export all;

Some insight would be very appreciated!
Take care of yourselves and stay healthy and home :D

Irene Lalioti
Network Engineer
Fondation RESTENA
2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch/Alzette

Tel: +352 424409 1
Fax: +352 422473

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