Hello guys! I would like to ask you, if anyone of you has deployed bird_exporter for Prometheus metrics to Grafana dashboard?
https://github.com/czerwonk/bird_exporter I have setup Grafana dashboards to visualize the metrics Prometheus collects. I have imported the Dashboard for the bird from github. Now I am not sure how to orchestrate the bird_exporter into the bird config, other than : 1. timeformat protocol iso long; 2. bird_protocol_prefix_import_count{name="bgp1",proto="BGP",ip_version="4"} 600000 bird_protocol_prefix_import_count{name="bgp1",proto="BGP",ip_version="6"} 50000 bird_ospfv3_running{name="ospf1"} 1 as instructed in the doc. My bird is 2.0.7. thanks a lot in advance! Irene || || || || || -- Irene Lalioti Network Engineer Fondation RESTENA 2, avenue de l'Université L-4365 Esch/Alzette Tel: +352 424409 1 Fax: +352 422473