Have you tried to use the workaround mentioned here?



On December 25, 2019 9:59:30 AM GMT+01:00, "穴澤 正恒" <ma-anaz...@hoster.jp> wrote:
>Dear all,
>My name is Masatsune Anazawa, an affiliate of JPIX.
>We are verifying the root server that is being considered for 
>installation on JPIX.
>When MD5 authentication is performed on bird and 1000 peers are set,
>following error occurs and only 150 to 300 peers can be established.
>Please let me know if there is a solution.
>I’m looking forward to your reply.
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2855_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2854_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2853_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2852_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2851_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2850_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2849_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2848_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2847_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2846_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2845_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2844_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2843_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2842_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2841_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2840_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2839_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>Dec 18 16:23:28 rs-bird bird: AS2838_IPv6: Socket error: TCP_MD5SIG: 
>Cannot allocate memory
>株式会社 Hoster-JP (HJP)
>Masatsune Anazawa (穴澤 正恒)
>Mail: ma-anaz...@hoster.jp
>TEL: 03-5977-0888
>東京都文京区本駒込6-5-3 ビューネ本駒込3F

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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