Hi Lars,
Hi Bird-List,

Could you share the patch for this workaround please?

Guess we share the same goals?:

a) I want to announce a /32 (IPv4) or /128 IPv6 of course per service.
b) I want to run multiple services on one single maschine in (Linux)
namespaces, f.e. via Docker
c) I want each service to connect to the network, when it's ready for
service by announcing it's more specific (somehow similar to a))
d) bird/bgp shouldnt't need to run as root (which a T179 socket makes difficult)

Q1: How do you orchestrate you services?
Q2: Do you do any service checking and "announcement decision" based
on the result?

Q3: Did you also check exaBGP or goBGP?

Anyone any good experience with the k8s CNI stuff?

Rgds, SJ

On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 7:37 AM Lars Ekman G <lars.g.ek...@est.tech> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a use-case where we want to deploy multiple BIRD instances on the 
> same machine. The BIRD instance would be a part of public applications with 
> their own (virtual) addreesses. These BIRD instances shall announce the 
> application addresses (only) but not set any local routes.
> The goal is to deploy applications independently of each other.
> A problem is that BIRD requires that a server port is opened (default 179). 
> While the port is configurable the port numbers must be different for all 
> applications which is hard to do (to assign each application a port is ... 
> undesirable).
> Another alternative is to have a central BIRD instance and invent some way 
> for applications to communicate their addresses. While this is certainly 
> doable it adds an unwanted complexity, especially for testing.
> I would like an option to not open the server-port.
> As an alternative I disabled the check for setting the server port to 0 
> (any). It is a tiny code change and removes the coordination problem. BIRD 
> will open an ephemeral server port which is of course useless, but we can 
> take the waste of ports.
> Best Regards,
> Lars Ekman

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