Thank you for your thoughtful answer. It appears I didn’t ask a very good 
question though :)

The reason for the VPN is because the satellite site doesn’t have an option for 
BGP and only has 1 public IP available and we need about 40. The extra latency 
associated with the tunnel isn’t to much of a concern, really we just want the 
public IP’s at the other site and thankfully the main site has excessive 
bandwidth available. 

The reason for the /23 announcement I feel is to get it out onto the internet, 
and then the individual /24 on the satellite site to make the routing simpler 
to configure, no? I think if I just do a /24 and /24 at main and satellite site 
I will need to get fancy in terms of how I configure Bird to forward the data?

The real issue is the ISP’s just don’t want to cooperate at all, all in the 
area see BGP as some sort of scary and mysterious thing…

Anyhow, thanks again for your time.

Michael McConnell
WINK Streaming;
toll-free: 877-GO-4-WINK x 7400
direct: +1 732-705-7442
cell: +506 8706-2389
skype: wink-michael

> On Aug 31, 2019, at 4:13 PM, Chriztoffer Hansen <> 
> wrote:
> The OpenVPN solution you are mentioning. Is IMHO only really nessesary og you 
> have plans for further sites in the near future and do not want to renumber 
> and/or change your BGP configuration in regards to how you peer with $ISP.
> A possible option is to announce both Main sites /24 and a cover /23 
> announcement.
> On Satellite site announce its own allocated /24 (no. 2 subnet out of /23). 
> Then traffic will always go to the /24 for satellite site. If you decide to 
> scale satellite sites I the future. Just change your configuration only for 
> satellite site. As Main site is already properly configured.
> Another option is also. If you use the exact same $ISP for all sites. Allow 
> the ISP to announce the /23 on your behalf. And sub allocate everything 
> between! /24-/30's prefixes to your sites. As long as the same ISP are used 
> for all sites and the are allowed to announce the /23 on your behalf. This is 
> a viable alternative, too. (You could do either static routing or bgp with 
> private ASN with ISP in this scenario) 
> -- 
> have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?
> Chriztoffer
> 📧 from 📱 device.

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