On 29/07/2019 15:59, Hansen, Christoffer wrote:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-sa-grow-maxprefix/?include_text=1
> Do the current bird 1.6.4 and 2.0.4 releases *not* support any of these
> mentioned scenarios?

Forget I asked. I overlooked section 9. Implementation status in the
document. :|


   |    Vendor   |  Type A Pre-   |    Type B Post-Policy   | Outbound |
   |             |     Policy     |                         |          |
   |  Cisco IOS  |                |      maximum-prefix     |          |
   |      XR     |                |                         |          |
   |  Cisco IOS  |                |      maximum-prefix     |          |
   |      XE     |                |                         |          |
   |   Juniper   |  prefix-limit  |  accepted-prefix-limit, |          |
   |   Junos OS  |                |     or prefix-limit     |          |
   |             |                |   combined with 'keep   |          |
   |             |                |          none'          |          |
   | Nokia SR OS |  prefix-limit  |                         |          |
   | NIC.CZ BIRD |  'import keep  |    'import limit' or    |  export  |
   |             |   filtered'    |     'receive limit'     |  limit   |
   |             | combined with  |                         |          |
   |             |    'receive    |                         |          |
   |             |     limit'     |                         |          |
   |   OpenBSD   |   max-prefix   |                         |          |
   |   OpenBGPD  |                |                         |          |
   |  Arista EOS | maximum-routes | maximum-accepted-routes |          |
   |    Huawei   |  peer route-   |                         |          |
   |    VRPv5    |     limit      |                         |          |
   |    Huawei   |  peer route-   |     peer route-limit    |          |
   |    VRPv8    |     limit      |      accept-prefix      |          |

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