
On 6/21/19 9:09 AM, Tim Bruijnzeels wrote:
> I am not sure if this is an artefact of my set-up, or a missing feature / bug 
> in Bird.

Yes, it is a documented missing feature in Bird, see the RPKI chapter in 

        You can validate routes (RFC 6483) using
        function <cf/roa_check()/ in filter and set it as import filter at the 
        protocol. BIRD should re-validate all of affected routes after RPKI 
update by
        RFC 6811, but we don't support it yet! You can use a BIRD's client 
        <cf>reload in <m/bgp_protocol_name/</cf> for manual call of 
revalidation of all

> [...]
> According to RFC6811 affected prefixes MUST be re-validated when the cache 
> has changes:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6811#section-4
> My work-around was to restart the sessions with peers and this forced 
> re-validation. But it is not the best solution. I also loose all the routes 
> temporarily.

        reload in <protocolname>
after ROA is changed.

> Is this a local issue? Did I miss something in my set-up? Or is this expected 
> behaviour in Bird? If so, is supporting re-validation on the roadmap?

Yes, it is even partially done, anyway it needed some internal structural 
inside BIRD. We know about it and we consider it better to have limited ROA 
instead of having nothing.

This is one of the hottest features to be done ASAP.

developer of BIRD

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