Hi, We're running BIRD 1.6.4 as a bgp routeserver but suddenly he stopped learning and advertising routes.
All BGP sessions are established and prefixes are grouped in dedicated routing tables. Does anybody have an idea what the problem might be? We've got an interconnection with one of our other ASN's and can confrim that - routes are advertised to bird but not installed on bird - no routes are received from bird Everything was working before so i don't see immediately what he problem might be birdcl show status BIRD 1.6.4 ready. BIRD 1.6.4 Router ID is Current server time is 2019-06-13 05:12:22 Last reboot on 2019-06-13 05:07:56 Last reconfiguration on 2019-06-13 05:07:56 Daemon is up and running birdcl show protocols BIRD 1.6.4 ready. name proto table state since info kernel1 Kernel master up 05:07:56 device1 Device master up 05:07:56 LINX_24232_1 BGP LINX start 05:07:56 Active Socket: No route to host LINX_14340_1 BGP LINX up 05:08:01 Established LINX_8426_1 BGP LINX up 05:08:06 Established birdcl show route table LINX BIRD 1.6.4 ready. Thanks Kurt