* Maria Matějka <jan.mate...@nic.cz> [190413 17:17 +0200]:
> On April 12, 2019 8:52:47 PM GMT+02:00, Brian Topping
>   <brian.topp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Developer team:
> >
> >I’d like to get better with the source. Due to being an inferior
> >specimen and/or too many other projects, I need help from tools like
> >CLion to make sense of source trees within weeks instead of years.
> >
> >Are others working on BIRD source within IDEs? I know "real
> >  programmers use vim and emacs”, etc, but please refer to previous
> >   paragraph in that
> >case… For all it matters, I am not a bush league developer, I have
> >written code using bison and flex and am super stoked to get my hands
> >dirty here.  
> I think any IDE with C support you like should work, maybe except for
>   Visual Studio which has no real C compiler anyway so it won't build
>   there at all.

How do you figure? Visual Studio has an ANSI C compiler.

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