Hi Ondrej,
> > > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Lost connection: Failed to read private key: > > > /etc/bird/id_rsa > > Do you have an SSH key in /etc/bird/id_rsa with appropriate rights? > So I tried again, you were right, there was a permission issue. Although, now there is an issue with the actual SSH connection establishment. GoRTR will disconnect due to an error in the message that seems to be received (unmarshal error for field Language of type disconnectMsg). https://github.com/golang/crypto/blob/master/ssh/messages.go#L297 Any idea on this? bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Channel roa4 connected to table t_roa4 > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Channel roa6 connected to table t_roa6 > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Initializing > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Starting > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Changing from Down to Connecting state > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Opening a connection > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: State changed to start > bird1_1 | bird: Started > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:18Z" level=info msg="Enabling ssh with > the following authentications: password=false, key=true" > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: The other side closed a connection > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Changing from Connecting to Transport-Error state > bird1_1 | bird: gortr: Closing a connection > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:20Z" level=info msg="New update (80051 > uniques, 80051 total prefixes). 0 bytes. Updating sha256 hash -> > dc06db9a6ae2b062630b820786f053f552faa2ebf7c675f6d1e21d16fa56aa70" > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:20Z" level=info msg="Updated added, new > serial 1" > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:20Z" level=info msg="Accepted ssh > connection from (1/0)" > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:20Z" level=info msg="Accepted tcp > connection from (1/0)" > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:20Z" level=info msg="Connected > (ssh-key): rpki/ with key ssh-rsa > AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1PYoRv0xuIMbv6aQZbXUNzqS611+FgahO0tNJ1C/CD2yxmzDuijjiAL3ia3UNPuIwS4Bwukn0EQJP/J2UGM0ABGR6r8n46RzFFkBqVBXrpRNThsD36hSYeUqfir1DChxknXCEG0pLcs5cW3OZagROcW5eZbbbTD40lIglhthtrf/9d241WUcvrhXiE/VaZvj8wi2lY26MuvqDGJgApOK4gi4gLzlr5qT4aDIzUIV0LlYul3hOFX/UMlX0yJg2cgEz/xRRlUfpsx6rQkwQZ0z1lwI0QBvHlON/+Azy/HmGWFcQ2S0V+CWUFHoZ/PBqmBnLT5MBSy5r/9RQVfoaeHBv" > gortr_1 | time="2019-04-12T17:36:20Z" level=error msg="Error with ssh > client ssh: unmarshal error for field Language of type > disconnectMsg" Thank you, Best, Louis