Hey All,

Im trying to configure the folowing topology:

lns box (multiple ppp devices that connect and disconnect) -> multiple 
default gw (gw load balance)

the issue is if one of the multiple gw crash I got routing blackhole...

Im trying to configurefd to delete dead peers from the osp routing table,

this is my conf:

debug protocols all;
log "/var/log/bird.log" all;
router id;

protocol device {
         scan time 1;            # Scan interfaces every 10 seconds
         export all;

protocol direct {
         interface "ppp*";
         export all;

protocol kernel {
         scan time 1;           # Scan kernel routing table every 20 seconds
         export all;             # Default is export none
         import all;
         kernel table 100;

protocol bfd {
         interface "eth1" {
                 min rx interval 20 ms;
                 min tx interval 50 ms;
                 idle tx interval 300 ms;

protocol ospf MyOSPF {
         ecmp yes;
         export filter { if (net ~ then reject; accept;};
#        export all;
         import all;
         merge external;
         area 0 {
            interface "eth1" {
                 hello 5;
                 bfd yes;

protocol static {
         import all;

routs learned by ospf:

[root@lns-testing-01 centos]# ip r show table 100
default proto bird
     nexthop via dev eth1 weight 1
     nexthop via dev eth1 weight 1
[root@lns-testing-01 centos]#

bfd status:

[root@lns-testing-01 centos]# birdc show bfd sessions
BIRD 1.4.5 ready.
IP address                Interface  State      Since Interval  Timeout               eth1       Up         08:09:55 0.050    0.250               eth1       Down       08:10:41 0.300    0.000

what Im missing?


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