I'd like to perform Hijacking attack in a topology emulated, for my Master
Project. But i need to have the possibility of manipulate AS Path field of
BGP Updates.

Em sáb, 15 de set de 2018 06:13, Darren O'Connor <mellow.drif...@gmail.com>

> Now why would you want to do this exactly?
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2018 at 23:37, Marcio <marciovinicius.san...@uniriotec.br>
> wrote:
>> I'd like to perform a Hijacking but changing a soecific position of AS
>> Path. Is it poasible to perform it with BIRD? If not, is there another way
>> to do this?
>> Em sex, 14 de set de 2018 12:37, Job Snijders <j...@instituut.net>
>> escreveu:
>>> Dear Marcio,
>>> What is your use case for extensive manipulation of the AS_PATH?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Job
>>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2018 at 16:02, Marcio <marciovinicius.san...@uniriotec.br>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear,
>>>> Could you help me with an information? Is there a way to generate an
>>>> announce modifying the AS Path field using BIRD? For example, i´d like to
>>>> announce a prefix with a false AS Path field where i could change it,
>>>> inserting or removing an AS.

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