Hi, I'm running BIRD on Arista which allows access to Linux bash. I'm having issue with running multihop BFD session on it and I believe it's related to port being already binded.
> bash-4.3# netstat -tulpen | grep 4784 > udp6 0 0 :::4784 :::* > 0 4269 - Above is netstat output from bash on Arista (there is no BFD configured on switch). When I try to run *nc -ul4 4784* I'm getting > Ncat: bind to Address already in use. QUITTING. I couldn't find any configuration option for BFD to change port being used, but maybe there is one? Perhaps anyone run into similar issue and have a workaround? -- Kuba Nowacki Senior NetOps M: +(48) 605 508 118 E: jnowa...@greywizard.com GreyWizard Sp. z o.o. ul. Palacza 113 60-273 Poznań, Poland NIP: 779-24-22-423 Regon: 302744400 KRS: 0000512326 greywizard.com supp...@greywizard.com +48 22 201 33 13 Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego. Kapitał zakładowy 10000 PLN.