
I have found something odd will try testing bird 2 with some of my configurations. It seems that the "device routes on" in the kernel configuration section doesn't exist anymore. The documentation still references it in the introduction for the kernel section, but not in the detailed list of configuration entries : http://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&v=20&f=bird-6.html#ss6.6 . For reference, here it is also for bird 1.6 : http://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&v=16&f=bird-6.html#ss6.6

Is there any information as to how to port the "device routes on" behavior from bird 1.6 to bird 2? I use it to have bird learn routes that are push from an openvpn server I connect to, so that I can announce those to other servers.

Best regards,

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