Hi All,
I am using Bird 2.0.2 version, I create a BGP instance with one channel IPV4, 
that all work normally.  Then I modified configuration file and add new channel 
IPV6, and using command "configure" under birdc , found the  new added channel 
IPV6 is not announced to peer and channel ipv6 is down state.  Then I used 
"restart bgp",  all channels IPV4 and IPV6 are announced, work normally.   I 
also do another test that delete channel  in configure file and used   
"configure", it work normally.
 Anyone know the difference of actions  between  "configure" and "restart "?   
The command "configure" can dynamically modify the BGP protocol configuration, 
cant the action "configure"  re-announce the added/removed capability  to peer 
to update ?
    Appreciated your help in advance......

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