Hello everyone, I'm writing you because i have a problem with the implementation of BGP on 4 peer in 4 different AS in line. I use bird 2.0.1, and the four peer is virtualized on my pc The 4 peer is in this form
AS2 AS4 AS3 AS1 H0 ------------------------------- H1 -------------------------------- H2 ------------------------------ H3 eth1 eth1 eth2 eth2 eth1 eth1 The same configuration without H3 work perfectly, but with H3, H1 and H2 can't comunicate, they stay in the connect state, it's like they never bee reachable for the connection, but if i ping the 2 interface i get a replay. the address of my peer is: H0.eth1: H1.eth1: H1.eth2: H2.eth1: H2.eth2: H3.eth1: the 4 configuration of bird is: H0 log "fileLogh0_0.log" all; debug protocols all; router id; protocol kernel { metric 0; learn; ipv4 { import all; export all; }; } protocol direct { } protocol device { scan time 2; } function avoid_crappy_prefixes() { if net.len < 8 then return false; if net.len > 24 then return false; return true; } filter bgp_in { if avoid_crappy_prefixes() then accept; else reject; } protocol bgp h0_0_h1_1 { local as 2; neighbor as 4; ipv4{ import filter bgp_in; export all; }; connect retry time 3; source address; } H1 log "fileLogh1_1.log" all; debug protocols all; router id; protocol kernel { metric 0; learn; ipv4 { import all; export all; }; } protocol direct { } protocol device { scan time 2; } function avoid_crappy_prefixes() { if net.len < 8 then return false; if net.len > 24 then return false; return true; } filter bgp_in { if avoid_crappy_prefixes() then accept; else reject; } protocol bgp h1_1_h0_0 { local as 4; neighbor as 2; ipv4{ import filter bgp_in; export all; }; connect retry time 3; source address; } protocol bgp h1_1_h2_2 { local as 4; neighbor as 3; ipv4{ import filter bgp_in; export all; }; connect retry time 3; source address; } H2: log "fileLogh2_2.log" all; debug protocols all; router id; protocol kernel { metric 0; learn; ipv4 { import all; export all; }; } protocol direct { } protocol device { scan time 2; } function avoid_crappy_prefixes() { if net.len < 8 then return false; if net.len > 24 then return false; return true; } filter bgp_in { if avoid_crappy_prefixes() then accept; else reject; } protocol bgp h2_2_h3_3 { local as 3; neighbor as 1; ipv4{ import filter bgp_in; export all; }; connect retry time 3; source address; } protocol bgp h2_2_h1_1 { local as 3; neighbor as 4; ipv4{ import filter bgp_in; export all; }; connect retry time 3; source address; } H3 log "fileLogh3_3.log" all; debug protocols all; router id; protocol kernel { metric 0; learn; ipv4 { import all; export all; }; } protocol direct { } protocol device { scan time 2; } function avoid_crappy_prefixes() { if net.len < 8 then return false; if net.len > 24 then return false; return true; } filter bgp_in { if avoid_crappy_prefixes() then accept; else reject; } protocol bgp h3_3_h2_2 { local as 1; neighbor as 3; ipv4{ import filter bgp_in; export all; }; connect retry time 3; source address; } This are the file .conf, using the command "show protocols" for every peer i get this results: H0 BIRD 2.0.1 ready. Name Proto Table State Since Info kernel1 Kernel master4 up 17:18:55.370 direct1 Direct --- up 17:18:55.370 device1 Device --- up 17:18:55.370 h0_0_h1_1 BGP --- up 17:19:00.115 Established H1 BIRD 2.0.1 ready. Name Proto Table State Since Info kernel1 Kernel master4 up 17:18:55.370 direct1 Direct --- up 17:18:55.370 device1 Device --- up 17:18:55.370 h1_1_h0_0 BGP --- up 17:19:00.115 Established h1_1_h2_2 BGP --- start 17:18:55.370 Connect H2 BIRD 2.0.1 ready. Name Proto Table State Since Info kernel1 Kernel master4 up 17:18:55.370 direct1 Direct --- up 17:18:55.370 device1 Device --- up 17:18:55.370 h2_2_h3_3 BGP --- up 17:19:00.114 Established h2_2_h1_1 BGP --- start 17:18:55.370 Connect H3 BIRD 2.0.1 ready. Name Proto Table State Since Info kernel1 Kernel master4 up 17:18:55.353 direct1 Direct --- up 17:18:55.353 device1 Device --- up 17:18:55.353 h3_3_h2_2 BGP --- up 17:19:00.114 Established Using a ping from H1.eth2 to i get the replay from peer 2 but in the log of H1 i founded that: 2018-03-06 17:11:57.854 <TRACE> h1_1_h2_2: Connecting to from local address 2018-03-06 17:11:59.462 <TRACE> device1: Scanning interfaces 2018-03-06 17:12:00.128 <TRACE> h1_1_h2_2: Connecting to from local address 2018-03-06 17:12:01.462 <TRACE> device1: Scanning interfaces 2018-03-06 17:12:02.960 <TRACE> h1_1_h2_2: Connecting to from local address 2018-03-06 17:12:03.462 <TRACE> device1: Scanning interfaces peer H1 try to estabilish a connection with H2 without success the same for peer H2 using tcp dump i found that it consider unreachable after some arpe request that didn't get answered. without H3 it works perfectly but i want to work with it, sorry if i'm annoying. Thanks if you will answer me with some idea/explanation Mattia